However, it played the song in concert.
Tanmateix, va tocar la cançó en concert.
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2001: A Space Odyssey Live in Concert
2001: Una Odissea de l’espai en concert
Font: MaCoCu
Can you please find the Jack Johnson En Concert picture?
Pots buscar la foto de “Jack Johnson En Concert”?
Font: Covost2
All three performed with their father in concert.
Tots tres van actuar amb el seu pare en concert.
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His pieces have been played quite often in public concerts.
Moltes de les seves peces s’han interpretat sovint en concert.
Font: MaCoCu
They usual act together with or in opposition to other phytohormones.
Acostumen a actuar en concert o en oposició amb altres fitohormones.
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All of the rejected parodies were later performed in concert.
Totes les paròdies rebutjades van ser interpretades més tard en concert.
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She made her concert debut in Berlin in 1952.
Va fer el seu debut en concert a Berlín el 1952.
Font: wikimedia
She debuted as a concert and Lieder singer in New York in 1958.
Va debutar el 1958 en concert de lieder a Nova York.
Font: wikimedia
AURORA The voice that makes us feel: Aurora in concert in Barcelona
AURORA La veu que ens fa sentir: Aurora en concert a Barcelona
Font: MaCoCu
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